We Are In Bloom

Be Still.

Anna JohnsonComment

Psalm 46:10 says “Be Still and Know that I AM God.” This has been on my heart a lot in 2015. Life seems like it gets faster and more chaotic as I get older. I don’t know if it is societies fault, age, or my own priorities just being mixed up and in the wrong order. No matter what year it is, what stage of life you are in, what country you live in, if you’re married, single, a parent, or almost a parent (Nueng), the first priority in a Christian’s life should never change; Jesus has to be number one. 

What does that mean? For me it means living everyday with the intent of giving God glory in everything I do. In order to know God’s will for your life and follow it, you have to know His Word. So naturally that means I need to study it. As simple as that sounds, in this crazy life it can be a difficult priority to keep number one. Being a working girl, wife, mom, homemaker and housekeeper, sister, daughter, friend… I get easily distracted and sometimes have a hard time keeping my mind focused during my time with the Lord. I am learning how to “be still.” Be quiet, turn off the tv and music, put my phone on vibrate or leave it in the other room… and just be still. Read God’s Word with a heart that is open to listen. I’m learning to pray without expectation of Him immediately fulfilling myevery wish. God is teaching me to pray differently this year, but I will write more about that another time. God loves us and craves our time and attention more than we have ever loved anyone on this earth. Think about that! I can’t imagine anyone loving anyone more than I love my husband and son, and yet God has given me those relationships to be an earthly example of His love for me. How incredible! It blows my mind. 

Once you have made Jesus your first priority, it is much easier to keep the rest of the things on your list in a good working order. For me next come my family and home, and then things like church, work, friends, and exercise. All of those things are good and please the Lord if your heart is first focused on serving and loving Him. 

Be encouraged today to spend some time at the feet of Jesus listening and learning to be still.
